Section 1: Southeast
I think Wisconsin is deceptive in its’ size. Or maybe I just think everything should be a closer distance to my home. I don’t know. What I do know is that getting home from my 3rd loop out to Rock County last night took me about an hour and a half to get home…….more on that later though.
I’ll start at the beginning. Loop 1
This was probably the easiest loop for me to get, as I’ve ridden so many of these roads specifically before. I was familiar with the roads, and to be honest, I’ve been on them so many times before, I kinda just wanted to get them knocked off my list. That said, I was out riding, so I was out enjoying.
1st stop RR 43
This RR is just North of Bong State Recreational Area. I’ve camped there before, nice place. If you’re on an enduro bike, they may call the rangers on you think that you’re riding around on a dirtbike.
2nd stop RR37
I didn’t feel like I was on a Rustic Road. Yeah it was rough & bumpy, but come on……the houses & pampered lawns had me kinda….ehh. It didn’t help that the further East you are in WI, the straighter the roads…..though there are a few exceptions.
3rd stop RR30
Go figure, both ends of this route don’t list the RR number on their sign. I assume the Wisconsin folk are drunk on cheese
4th stop RR5
This was a nice slow road right by a little park. I stopped there for a quick Gatorade break.
5th stop RR85
This road follows a creek for a bit, had some minor elevation changes, but beyond that, not too much going on. Pretty smooth.
6th stop RR12
This road is right at the entrance to a subdivision, so a bit slow, but once past that, you’ve got some more decent riding coming up
7th stop RR11
This road kinda loops in with the next road……you could have some fun in this area, but it is only about 10 miles from the more populated Lake Geneva area
8th stop RR36
From here, I shot West on Highway 50 through downtown Lake Geneva, on to collect one last RR. I should have just skipped this one for the night. My brother had ribs & sausage on the smoker, but I figured I was there, why not get it. I got into Lake Geneva only to realize that there was some festival going on. Oodles of people. Not too big a deal, but I feel kinda bad with my dry clutch clackity clackity when sitting at a stop light. Ducati People Problems
9th stop RR29
This is probably the windiest road of the day. Unfortunately it is right outside Lake Geneva, so kinda prime LEO area. The road winds through some $$$$$ houses\farms\etc. I wouldn’t mind a house here, but sweet word I can only imagine the taxes.
After that I ran myself over to my brothers to chat for a bit. Looking back now, I need to really start snapping some better pictures of stuff other than my bike. I’ll work on that. I get caught up in the moment of riding, and at the time, couldn’t care less about pictures, but we all need pictures
Trip Odometer – 120 miles
Loop 2 to follow.